Marvelous INC.

Consolidated Statements of Income

(Unit: million yen)
FY2019 1st quarter consolidated
accounting period
(April 1, 2018- June 30, 2018)
FY2020 1st quarter consolidated
accounting period
(April 1, 2019- June 30, 2019)
Consolidated quarterly statements of (comprehensive) income
 Net sales 6,296 4,518
 Cost of sales 3,487 1,999
 Gross profit 2,808 2,519
 Selling, general and administrative expenses 2,157 1,856
 Operating income 650 662
 Non-operating income
  Interest income 5 19
  Foreign exchange gains 43 -
  Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts 0 0
  Other 0 0
  Total non-operating income 49 20
 Non-operating expenses
  Interest expenses 0 0
  Foreign exchange losses - 62
  Other 0 1
  Total non-operating expenses 0 64
 Ordinary income 699 618
 Extraordinary income
  Gain on reversal of subscription rights to shares 2 -
  Total extraordinary income 2 -
 Extraordinary loss
  Loss on sales of noncurrent assets - 0
  Special retirement expenses - 21
  Total extraordinary losses - 22
 Profit before income taxes 702 595
 Income taxes 262 252
 Profit 440 343
 (Profit attributable to)
 Profit attributable to owners of parent 440 343
 Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 0 0
 Other comprehensive income
  Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities - 9
  Foreign currency translation adjustment 50 (47)
  Total other comprehensive income 50 (37)
 Comprehensive income 490 305
 (Comprehensive income attributable to)
 Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent 490 305
 Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests 0 0